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The AmeriCorps Childcare Benefit Program is available for qualified, active, full-time AmeriCorps VISTA, AmeriCorps NCCC, and AmeriCorps State and National members who need the benefit to serve. Eligibility requirements are listed below for each AmeriCorps program. Childcare benefits are paid directly to qualified childcare providers for all or of part of the member’s childcare costs during their active time of service with AmeriCorps; childcare benefit payments cannot be paid directly to AmeriCorps members. Childcare benefits may not exceed applicable State Maximum Reimbursement Rates as established in the state in which the childcare is provided under the Childcare and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 42 USC 9801
To learn about your eligibility requirements, follow the link to our AmeriCorps Childcare Benefit Program Fact Sheet
Whether you are an AmeriCorps member or childcare provider, please use the AmeriCorps Member and Childcare Provider Checklists to confirm that you have all the documents to complete your Childcare benefit application.
AmeriCorps Childcare Program Member Checklist
AmeriCorps Childcare Program Provider Checklist
For your convenience, you can choose to apply online. Please utilize and share the below links to our online applications; and if you choose to fill out a paper application, click the Forms/Resources button located at the center of the homepage to find and print the forms you need.
AmeriCorps Member Online Application
AmeriCorps Provider Online Application
For a description on the Types of Childcare Providers, please click below.
To find out if your provider of choice is approved to receive childcare payments from AmeriCorps, please review the AmeriCorps Childcare Provider State Guide.
To find a Childcare Provider near you, please click below.
If your childcare provider doesn't meet your state's requirement to participate, please select a different childcare provider.
GAP Solutions (GAPSI) has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help answer questions that AmeriCorps State & National, VISTA, and NCCC members may have about the AmeriCorps Childcare Program (ACCP). If you find you have further questions not addressed by the FAQs or need assistance in applying please feel free to contact our childcare coordinators toll free at 1-855-886-0687.
The following are definitions and descriptions of types of childcare providers from which you may select to hire for your child. In choosing a childcare provider, take into account your state's CCDF requirements specially if choosing to hire an unlicensed provider. When choosing a provider for your child, take into account the age and developmental needs of the child and the ability of the childcare provider to meet and foster those needs as well as the positive reinforcement the childcare provider will offer your child. Please point your childcare provider to americorpschildcare.com to help answer many of their questions related to the AmeriCorps Childcare Reimbursement program.
ChildCare Center:
Established licensed setting where children are cared for in a group away from their homes for all or part of the day. Childcare Centers include nursery schools, preschools, and Parent
Cooperatives. The objectives of Centers vary, from taking care of children whose parents are working, to preparing the children for school. Childcare Centers provide care for groups of
children ranging in an age from infancy through school age.
License Exempt Centers:
Certain states may allow certain licensing exemptions for centers if they are part of a public or private organized educational system (a school or facility operated by a religious institution
caring for children during short periods of time). Also, recreational center based programs whose purpose is to provide social, recreational, or religious activities for school age children,
such as scouting, boys club, girls club, sports, or the arts may also be license exempt. Please check with GAP Solutions to learn about specific license exemptions allowed by your state.
School Age Program:
A program offering before and or after school care to children enrolled in kindergarten or higher grades. These programs may operate from school buildings or other licensed facilities and
may be operated by the school itself, parent groups or local Childcare Centers. The purpose of School-Age Programs is primarily to provide care for children during such times of the day when
regular school classes are not in session. They are not intended to extend or replace regular school classes.
Family Childcare Home:
A private home where a childcare provider provides childcare services for children from infancy through school age. The care is provided at the home of the childcare provider (not in the
child's home). Family Day Care is licensed or registered by the State in which the childcare provider resides. The number of children allowed in a Family Day Care Home varies depending on the
number of adults providing care in the home setting.
Group Childcare Home:
A private home where two or more childcare providers provide childcare services and education for (7) or more (usually a total of about 12) children in a private home and who employ one or more
paid assistants to meet child-to-staff ratio requirements. Group Day Care is licensed or registered by the state in which the Childcare providers reside.
In-Home Childcare:
Care is provided by a non-relative who comes into the child's home to provide care. Sometimes the childcare provider brings his/her own children. Generally speaking, the childcare provider
provides services through a personal agreement with the parent(s) and works without training or professional affiliations. (May not be legal in your state).
Relative Care:
Care usually provided by an aunt, uncle or grandparent of the child. Care may be provided in the relative's or the child's home. (May not be legal in your state. Contact GAP Solutions, Inc.
for more information) or refer to your state's CCDF Plan.