Program Information
AmeriCorps Childcare Benefits Program1
The AmeriCorps Childcare Benefit Program is available for qualified, active, full-time AmeriCorps VISTA, AmeriCorps NCCC, and AmeriCorps State and National members who need the benefit to serve. Eligibility requirements are listed below for each AmeriCorps program. Childcare benefits are paid directly to qualified childcare providers for all or of part of the member’s childcare costs during their active time of service with AmeriCorps; childcare benefit payments cannot be paid directly to AmeriCorps members. Childcare benefits may not exceed applicable State Maximum Reimbursement Rates as established in the state in which the childcare is provided under the Childcare and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 42 USC 9801
Application Process
To learn about your eligibility requirements, follow the link to our
AmeriCorps Childcare Benefit Program Fact Sheet
Whether you are an AmeriCorps member or childcare provider, please use the AmeriCorps Member and Childcare Provider Checklists
to confirm that you have all the documents to complete your Childcare benefit application.
AmeriCorps Childcare Program Member Checklist
AmeriCorps Childcare Program Provider Checklist
For your convenience, you can choose to apply online. Please utilize and share the below links to our online applications; and if you choose to fill out a paper application, click the Forms/Resources button
located at the center of the homepage to find and print the forms you need.
AmeriCorps Member Online Application
AmeriCorps Provider Online Application
For a description on the Types of Childcare Providers, please click below.
Types of Childcare Providers
To find out if your provider of choice is approved to receive childcare payments from AmeriCorps, please review the
AmeriCorps Childcare Provider State Guide.
To find a Childcare Provider near you, please click below.
ChildCare Provider Directory
If your childcare provider doesn't meet your state's requirement to participate, please select a different childcare provider.
GAP Solutions (GAPSI) has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help answer
questions that AmeriCorps State & National, VISTA, and NCCC members may have about the AmeriCorps Childcare Program (ACCP). If you find you have further questions
not addressed by the FAQs or need assistance in applying please feel free to contact our childcare coordinators toll free at 1-855-886-0687.
AmeriCorps Childcare Program Fact Sheet
AmeriCorps Childcare Benefit Program
The AmeriCorps Childcare Benefit Program is available for qualified, active, full-time AmeriCorps VISTA, AmeriCorps NCCC, and AmeriCorps State and National Members who need the benefit to serve.
Eligibility requirements are listed below for each AmeriCorps program. Childcare benefits are paid directly to qualified childcare providers for all or of part of the member's childcare costs during
their active time of service with AmeriCorps; childcare benefit payments cannot be paid directly to AmeriCorps members. Childcare benefits may not exceed applicable
State Maximum Reimbursement Rates as established in the state in which the childcare is
provided under the Childcare and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 42 USC 9801.
Member Eligibility Requirements
AmeriCorps State and National
Childcare benefits are available to full-time AmeriCorps State and National members who qualify. To qualify for the childcare benefit, the member must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- The AmeriCorps member's family household income (to include income of the member and either their spouse or the children's other parent/guardian within the same household) must not exceed
75% of the state's median income for a family of the same size; this median income is different for each state and may change annually. The total family income is used to determine
your income eligibility excluding your AmeriCorps State & National living allowance.
- The member must not currently receive a childcare subsidy from another source at the time of acceptance into the program (including a parent or guardian) which would
continue to be provided while the member serves in the program.
- The member must be the parent or legal guardian of a child under the age 13.
- The child must reside with the member.
- The member must be serving full time or less-than-full-time but serving in a full-time capacity, meaning performing service at least 32.5 hours per week. Members serving in the
Professional Corps Program are not eligible for the childcare benefit. Please refer to current Terms and Conditions for AmeriCorps state and National Grants at for more information.
- The member must certify that they need childcare in order to participate in the program.
AmeriCorps VISTA
To qualify for the childcare benefit, the AmeriCorps VISTA member must meet the following requirements:
- The member's family household income (to include income of the member and either their spouse or the children's other parent/guardian within the same household) must not exceed 75% of the
state's median income for a family of the same size; this median income limit is different for each state and may change annually. The total household income is used to determine
your income eligibility excluding your AmeriCorps living allowance.
- The member must not currently receive a childcare subsidy from another source at the time of acceptance into the program (including a parent or guardian) which would continue
to be provided while the member serves in the program.
- The member must be the parent or legal guardian of a child under the age 13.
- The child must reside with the member.
- The member must certify that he or she needs childcare in order to participate in the AmeriCorps VISTA program.
AmeriCorps NCCC/FEMA Corps
The amount of childcare assistance an AmeriCorps NCCC/FEMA Corps member can receive is $400 per child per month. To qualify for the childcare benefit, the member must meet the following requirements:
- The member must be the parent or legal guardian of a child under the age of 13.
- The child may not be physically living with the member (as the member will be living at one of the NCCC Campuses).
- The guardian or family member with whom the child is living must also be either:
1) the childcare provider, or
2) the party responsible for selecting a childcare provider for the eligible child.
However, the identified childcare provider may not be the child's biological, step, adoptive parent, or adult sibling if they live in the same household.
- The benefit to be paid is $400 per month per child or the rate charged by the childcare provider, whichever is the lesser amount.
- The member must certify that he or she needs childcare in order to participate in the program.
Childcare Provider Eligibility Requirements
Childcare benefits are paid to qualified childcare providers for all or of part of the member's childcare costs during their active time of service with AmeriCorps. Childcare subsidy benefits are
paid directly to qualified childcare providers. Childcare providers must meet eligibility requirements as regulated under the
Childcare and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 42 USC 9801. Regulations vary by state and are subject to
change annually.
- Providers must be at least 18 years of age
- The provider may not be:
o The child's biological, step, or adoptive parent
o The child's legal guardian or the spouse of the legal guardian
o An adult acting in loco parentis, or the spouse of an adult acting in place of the parent.
o The child's sibling if living in the same household.
Depending on the state in which the care is being provided, other blood relatives (factoring in exclusions listed above) may be used.
Information on the Childcare and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 42 USC 9801 and state/territory
plans can be found at:
*For AmeriCorps NCCC members, the guardian or family member with whom the child is living should also 1) be the childcare provider or 2) serve as the responsible party in selecting an outside
childcare provider. However, the identified childcare provider may not be the child's biological, step, or adoptive parent. For example, while a guardian or family member
may serve as the childcare provider, that guardian or family member also has the option to select an outside childcare provider (such as a licensed day care center) to provide services if they
are needed.
AmeriCorps Childcare Benefits Administration
GAP Solutions, Inc. (GAPSI) administers the AmeriCorps Childcare Benefits Program for the Corporation for National and Community Service and therefore members must apply directly to GAPSI for the
childcare benefit. Interested and eligible members should visit the GAP Solutions, Inc. website at: or
call toll-free at 855-886-0687 for more information.
Application Process
How do I apply?
Members and their selected Childcare Providers can apply online at; or may download the
paper application forms at under the Forms/Resources section. All
applications will require the submission of the following forms and supporting documentation. Uploading the documents via our online application or faxing are the most secure methods of sending
documents to our office. If you do decide to email any of your documents, please ensure you encrypt the documents, then send the documents in one email and the password in a separate email.
That will help protect your information from any unintended recipients.
Member Forms and Supporting Documentation Required:
- Member will supply all documents and forms per the Member and Provider Checklists to ensure a complete application packet.
- Application - a completed and signed AmeriCorps Member Childcare Benefits Application.
- AmeriCorps Program Certification of Active Service Form - must be completed by AmeriCorps Program Supervisor. This form verifies the Service Assignment Information.
- A copy of a birth certificate for each child under 13 who needs childcare services.
- Legal Custody Documentation - if the member is not the biological parent of the child who needs childcare services, the member must submit proof to show parental or guardian status, including legal
guardianship, adoptive parent, foster parent or step parent.
- Income and Tax Documentation - official documentation to verify total salaries and wages for family adult members of the household, including 4 weeks of the most recent paycheck stubs, and a copy
of the most recent federal income tax return.
- Other Income - family household members must provide proof of all other household income including child support, SSI or other disability income, retirement income, social security benefits,
unemployment benefits, alimony, veteran benefits, workers compensation benefits, AFDC and TANF. Additional documentation may be required for any other source of household income in accordance with
the CCDF Block Grant program guidelines for the state or territory where the childcare services are provided.
- Please see the 'Member Checklist' for detailed instructions.
ChildCare Provider Forms and Supporting Documentation Required:
- Member will supply all documents and forms per the Member and Provider Checklists to ensure a complete application packet.
- Application - each childcare provider must complete and sign an AmeriCorps Childcare Provider Application.
- Taxpayer and Business Documentation - documentation includes the provider SSN or TIN and completed IRS W-9 form.
- Certifications - copy of the current childcare provider license for each childcare provider, or proof that they are licensed, regulated, or in compliance with the state or territory guidelines for
an eligible childcare provider under the CCDF Block Grant program.
- Provider Billing Rates.
- A completed Electronic Deposit Form is required for those enrolling in Electronic Deposit Payments.
- Please see the 'Provider Checklist' for detailed application instructions.
List of individual/state territory CCDF Plans (PDF)
List of state Maximum Reimbursement Rates
AmeriCorps Childcare Fact Sheet
Childcare FAQs